I constantly remind myself that resting takes confidence. Anyone can train like a mad man but to embrace rest and to allow all the hard training to come out takes mental strength. Ryan Hall, Runner’s World daily quote


This is an awesome site that CycleOps has to help figure out your power output performance. This is helpful for those that don’t have a power monitor hooked up on your bike – one day right! By the way, check out DC Rainmaker’s review of the Garmin Vector pedal based power meter which should beContinue reading “WATTS CALCULATOR”

Here is the Spinning class I taught this morning. The objective was to stay within the base building aerobic zones 2 and 3. My buddy Mike and I are taking the class through an 8-week base building program, this was the second week. Playlist: http://grooveshark.com/playlist/Spinning+Base+Week+2/65878193 Copy of the profile workout: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ak-e5TfxCAG4dFk3RHA2ZlRzc0tEeTJwb0Q2dG5PeHc